10 External Recruitment Methods that Business Can Apply

Recruitment Strategies
24 Oct 2023
10 External Recruitment Methods that Business Can Apply

In the ever-evolving world of business, finding and attracting top talent is a crucial task for any organisation’s growth and success. To achieve this, companies often turn to external recruitment methods, a strategic approach to hiring that goes beyond internal resources.

In this article, we will explore what external recruitment methods entail and delve into ten effective strategies that businesses can apply to bolster their workforce. Additionally, we will discuss the advantages and disadvantages of external recruitment, shedding light on its impact on organisations. So, whether you’re an established enterprise or a budding startup, read on to discover how these methods can shape your recruitment process!

What is an External Recruitment Method?

External recruitment methods represent a fundamental aspect of modern talent acquisition strategies. In essence, an external recruitment method involves seeking potential candidates for job openings from sources external to the organisation itself. This approach is distinct from internal recruitment, which focuses on filling positions from within the existing workforce. External recruitment methods aim to expand the talent pool and bring fresh perspectives and skills to the company.

In the context of external recruitment, companies employ a range of strategies to identify and attract suitable candidates. These strategies often encompass diverse approaches, from traditional job advertisements to more innovative methods such as headhunting and outsourcing. The primary goal of external recruitment is to ensure that organisations have access to a wide array of candidates, enabling them to select individuals who align with their specific requirements and contribute to their growth and success.

10 External Recruitment Methods

When it comes to external recruitment, organisations have an array of strategies at their disposal to identify and attract top talent. These ten external recruitment methods encompass a range of approaches, each with its unique advantages and suitability for different scenarios:

1. Job Advertisements

Job advertisements involve posting job openings in newspapers, on online job boards, and across various social media platforms. This method is a time-tested way to reach a broad audience and attract candidates with diverse skill sets. It allows organisations to craft detailed job descriptions, outlining the qualifications and responsibilities required for the position. The advantage of this method is its wide reach, making it suitable for roles where a large pool of candidates is desirable.

2. Recruitment Agencies

Collaborating with recruitment agencies is akin to enlisting experts in the hiring process. These specialised firms have extensive networks and can quickly identify potential hires based on specific criteria provided by the hiring company. They often conduct preliminary screenings, saving businesses time and resources. Recruitment agencies are particularly beneficial for organisations looking for niche or highly specialised talent, as they can tap into their industry expertise.

3. Employee Referrals

Encouraging current employees to refer candidates is a cost-effective method that taps into the power of an organisation’s existing workforce. Employees are often well-connected within their professional circles and can recommend individuals who not only possess the required skills but also align with the company culture. This method can enhance employee engagement and loyalty, as employees become involved in the recruitment process.

4. Campus Recruitment

Campus recruitment involves visiting educational institutions and conducting on-campus recruitment drives. It’s an effective way to connect with fresh graduates and identify young talent with potential. Organisations can establish relationships with universities, providing students with insights into potential career paths within the company. This method is particularly advantageous for entry-level positions and internships.

5. Internship Programs

Offering internship programs allows organisations to assess candidates’ skills and work ethics before making permanent hiring decisions. Interns gain firsthand experience within the company, and organisations have the opportunity to evaluate their performance. This method is beneficial for nurturing talent from an early stage, reducing the risk of mismatched hires, and providing a potential pipeline of future employees.

6. Job Fairs

Participating in job fairs provides a platform for businesses to interact with a large number of job seekers in a short span of time. It facilitates face-to-face engagement, allowing recruiters to gauge candidates’ communication skills and enthusiasm. Job fairs are particularly valuable for industries with high demand for entry-level positions, such as retail, hospitality, and customer service.

7. Headhunting

Headhunting involves skilled recruiters actively approaching potential candidates who may not be actively seeking new job opportunities. This method targets passive candidates with valuable expertise, making it suitable for high-level executive positions and specialised roles. It requires a deep understanding of the industry and exceptional networking skills.

8. Online Professional Networks

Leveraging professional networks like LinkedIn enables organisations to connect with professionals in their respective industries and engage with potential hires directly. Companies can build a strong online presence, showcase their culture, and actively seek out individuals who match their requirements. This method is particularly effective for roles where a strong online presence is essential, such as digital marketing and technology-related positions.

9. Industry-specific Websites

Posting job openings on industry-specific websites or forums can help in targeting candidates with specialised skills and knowledge relevant to a particular sector. This method is ideal for industries with niche talent requirements, such as healthcare, engineering, or legal professions. It allows organisations to reach candidates who are already immersed in the specific field.

10. Outsourcing

Companies can outsource specific roles or even entire departments to third-party service providers. This method not only saves time and resources on recruitment processes but also ensures access to specialised expertise. Outsourcing is particularly useful for non-core functions like IT support, customer service, and accounting. It allows organisations to focus on their core competencies while relying on experts to handle auxiliary tasks efficiently.

Pros of External Recruitment

External recruitment methods offer numerous advantages that can positively impact an organisation’s growth and development. Here are three key benefits of employing external recruitment strategies:

1. Diverse Skill Sets

External recruitment widens the talent pool, allowing organisations to access individuals with diverse skills and experiences. This diversity can enrich the workplace, fostering creativity and innovation. Employees with different backgrounds and perspectives bring fresh ideas and approaches to problem-solving, helping the organisation adapt to changing market dynamics.

2. Fresh Perspectives

New hires from external sources often bring fresh perspectives and insights to the organisation. They may have experience in different industries or companies, which can lead to innovative solutions to existing challenges. These fresh viewpoints can invigorate the company’s culture and contribute to its ability to remain competitive.

3. Quick Talent Acquisition

Some external recruitment methods, such as recruitment agencies and headhunting, expedite the hiring process. They can identify and present suitable candidates rapidly, reducing the time it takes to fill critical positions. This agility is particularly valuable for organisations facing talent shortages or needing to respond quickly to market demands.

Cons of External Recruitment

While external recruitment offers numerous benefits, it also comes with its set of challenges and drawbacks. Here are three key disadvantages associated with external recruitment:

1. Costly

Hiring externally can be more expensive than promoting from within. External recruitment often involves recruitment fees, advertising costs, and onboarding expenses. Additionally, new hires may require higher salaries or relocation packages, further increasing recruitment costs.

2. Cultural Fit

Ensuring that external hires align with the company’s culture can be challenging. Differences in work styles, values, and expectations may lead to potential conflicts and integration issues. A lack of cultural fit can disrupt teamwork and cohesion within the organisation.

3. Morale Impact

Existing employees may feel overlooked or undervalued if the organisation consistently hires externally. This can negatively impact employee morale and engagement. It’s essential to strike a balance between internal promotions and external hires to maintain a positive workplace environment.

In the dynamic landscape of modern business, finding the right talent is essential for success. External recruitment methods offer a multitude of opportunities to identify and attract individuals who can drive your organisation forward. From job advertisements to outsourcing, the toolkit of external recruitment methods is vast and adaptable.However, navigating this landscape requires strategic thinking and expertise.

To streamline your external recruitment efforts and ensure you access the best talent, consider partnering with a trusted outsourcing company in Jakarta like RecruitFirst. With our experience and network, RecruitFirst can help find the perfect candidates for your specific needs, saving you time and resources. Contact RecruitFirst today and take your recruitment strategy to the next level!


Debby Lim

As the practice leader of RecruitFirst Indonesia, Debby brings to the table over 13 years of industry experience.